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Linked Issues Table

This example demonstrates how to create a table component that displays issues linked to the current issue in Jira.


The table is part of a larger structure:

  1. A TabPanel component with the title "Linked Issues"
  2. Inside the tab, a FullPageSection component
  3. The section contains a ParagraphMedium for description and a DynamicTable for the linked issues

JSON Configuration

	"resourceType": "site",
	"module": "jira:issuePanel",
	"title": "linked-issues-table",
	"action": "set",
	"componentData": {
		"type": "TabPanel",
		"tabTitle": "Linked Issues",
		"children": [
				"type": "FullPageSection",
				"title": "Linked Issues",
				"children": [
						"type": "ParagraphMedium",
						"content": "The table below lists all other issues linked to this one."
						"type": "DynamicTable",
						"columnHeaders": [
								"type": "TableHeader",
								"title": "Key",
								"valuePath": "linkedIssue.key",
								"linkPath": "linkedIssue.issueUrl",
								"fieldType": "lozenge"
								"type": "TableHeader",
								"title": "Summary",
								"valuePath": "linkedIssue.fields.summary"
								"type": "TableHeader",
								"title": "Link Type",
								"valuePath": "linkType",
								"appearanceMap": {
									"success": [
									"danger": [
										"in progress",
										"In Progress"
								"type": "TableHeader",
								"title": "Priority",
								"fieldType": "lozenge",
								"valuePath": ""
								"type": "TableHeader",
								"title": "Status",
								"fieldType": "lozenge",
								"valuePath": "",
								"appearanceMap": {
									"success": [
									"information": [
										"IN PROGRESS",
										"in progress",
										"In Progress"
						"tableRows": "{{{linkedIssues: jiraIssue}}}"

Configuration of Key Properties


The DynamicTable component is the main element of this example. It has two key properties:

  1. columnHeaders: An array of TableHeader objects that define the columns of the table.
  2. tableRows: A Mustache template that specifies the data source for the table rows.


Each TableHeader object in the columnHeaders array can have the following properties:

  • type: Always "TableHeader"
  • title: The display name of the column
  • valuePath: The path to the data in the linked issue object
  • linkPath (optional): The path to a URL if the cell should be a link
  • fieldType (optional): Specifies a special rendering for the field (e.g., "lozenge")
  • appearanceMap (optional): Defines how different values should be styled


You can customize this table in several ways:

  1. Add or remove columns: Modify the columnHeaders array to change which fields are displayed.
  2. Change column order: Reorder the TableHeader objects in the columnHeaders array.
  3. Modify appearances: Adjust the appearanceMap for columns like "Link Type" and "Status" to change how different values are styled.
  4. Change field types: Update the fieldType property to change how data is displayed (e.g., as text, lozenge, etc.).

Data Source

The data for this table comes from the linked issues of the current Jira issue. This is specified in the tableRows property:

"tableRows": "{{{linkedIssues: jiraIssue}}}"

This Mustache template tells the component to use the linkedIssues Template Function, passing in the current jiraIssue as an argument. The Template Function will return an array of linked issues, which the table will then render according to the specified column headers.