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Data Tables

Tables allow you to display a list of data in an easy-to-read format. This is useful when you have a list of items that relate to something like a Jira issue, and you want to display them in a way that is easy to read and understand.

App Maker provides a DynamicTable component that allows you to easily display data in a range of different structures and ways, hence the name "DynamicTable".

High-level Structure

  • Tables are made of two main components; Columns and Rows.
    • Columns: Each column in a table displays the same type of data, and is meant to represent a single field or property within a list of standardised data objects.
      • Columns in a table are defined in a columnHeaders property, which is a list of TableHeader objects.
    • Rows: Each row in a table represents a single data object, and is meant to display all the fields or properties of that object that you want to show to users.
      • The rows in a table are represented in a tableRows property, which is a list of objects of any shape.


  • The TableHeader object is used to define the structure of a column in a table.
  • It has several properties that you set to define how the column should look and behave.
    • title: The title of the column, displayed at the top of the column.
    • valuePath: The path to the field or property in the data object in each row that you want to display in the UI.
    • linkPath (optional): The path to the field or property in the data object in each row that you want to use as a link.
      • This allows users to click on a cell in the table and be taken to a new page.
    • fieldType (optional - defaults to "text"): The way you want the data in the column to be displayed.
      • This can be simple "text", or a Lozenge.
    • appearanceMap (optional - only if fieldType is Lozenge): An object that allows you to apply conditional styling to the cells in the column.
      • The appearanceMap object has keys for each of the Lozenge appearances you want to use.
      • For each key, you provide an array of values that should be displayed in that appearance.
      • e.g. appearanceMap: { success: ['Good', 'Great'] } would display any cell with the value "Good" or "Great" with the "success" appearance.


  "type": "TableHeader",
  "title": "My Value",
  "valuePath": "",
  "linkPath": "",
  "fieldType": "lozenge",
  "appearanceMap": { "success": ["Good", "Great"] }


  • The tableRows property is an array of objects that represent the data you want to display in the table.
  • Each object in this array represents a single row in the table.
    • You will often want to combine this functionality with a Template Function so that you can do things like fetch child/related issues of the issue the user is currently viewing.
  • The structure of these objects should match up with the valuePath and linkPath properties defined in your columnHeaders.


    "row": {
      "my-value": "Good",
      "my-link": ""
    "row": {
      "my-value": "Great",
      "my-link": ""

Using the DynamicTable Component

To use the DynamicTable component in your App Maker application, you need to provide both the columnHeaders and tableRows properties.


  "type": "DynamicTable",
  "columnHeaders": [
      "type": "TableHeader",
      "title": "Status",
      "valuePath": "row.status",
      "fieldType": "lozenge",
      "appearanceMap": {
        "success": ["Complete", "Resolved"],
        "warning": ["In Progress"],
        "error": ["Blocked", "Failed"]
      "type": "TableHeader",
      "title": "Issue Key",
      "valuePath": "row.key",
      "linkPath": "row.url"
      "type": "TableHeader",
      "title": "Summary",
      "valuePath": "row.summary"
  "tableRows": [
      "row": {
        "status": "In Progress",
        "key": "PROJ-123",
        "url": "",
        "summary": "Implement new feature"
      "row": {
        "status": "Complete",
        "key": "PROJ-124",
        "url": "",
        "summary": "Fix critical bug"

This example would create a table with three columns: Status (displayed as a lozenge), Issue Key (with a clickable link), and Summary. It would show two rows of data based on the provided tableRows.

Advanced Features


  • By default, all columns in a DynamicTable are sortable.
  • Users can click on column headers to sort the table by that column.
  • The sorting is handled automatically based on the data type of the column.

Customizing Cell Display

  • The fieldType property in TableHeader allows you to customize how cell data is displayed.
  • Currently supported types are:
    • "text": Simple text display (default)
    • "lozenge": Displays the value in a Lozenge component

Conditional Styling

  • The appearanceMap property allows you to apply conditional styling to cells.
  • This is particularly useful when using the "lozenge" field type.
  • You can map specific values to different appearances, allowing for visual categorization of data.

Best Practices

  1. Consistent Data Structure: Ensure that all objects in your tableRows array have a consistent structure that matches your columnHeaders definitions.
  2. Use Meaningful Titles: Choose clear and concise titles for your columns that accurately describe the data they represent.
  3. Appropriate Field Types: Select the most appropriate fieldType for each column. Use "lozenge" for status-like fields where color coding adds value.